Sereignos & Emptys "The ruthless blasphemies" split CD
  • Sereignos & Emptys "The ruthless blasphemies" split CD

Sereignos & Emptys "The ruthless blasphemies" split CD

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Sereignos & Emptys "The ruthless blasphemies" split CD

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Sereignos & Emptys "The ruthless blasphemies" split CD. No precintado, con funda protectora. Metal Bastard enterprises 2019


CD: Sereignos: 1. Tahta prahara, 2. Roh api, 3. Aeon of destruction, 4. Anti, 5. Reaktor kidung kemelut. Emptys: 6. Darahi bait, 7. Ritus anarki, 8. The crushed wisdom, 9. Destroyed holy shine, 10. Kontramantra. 

MB 113
1 Artículo

Ficha técnica

Black/Death metal
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